Act 2: The Design Revolution!
Why not World Game, Act 2 Scene 1: Bucky Fuller, mAD Man
Scene: Bucky Fuller’s office on the web, January 1st, 2023.
We see Bucky Fuller with cat in his studio library on the internet.
This is indeed an unexpected occurrence, as Bucky died in 1983.
At least that is how Bucky remembers it, and is no less surprised than the internet folks who have encountered him so far.
While he predicted something like an internet, this internet did not look like anything Bucky ever predicted would happen.
Why would the world not adopt his grand vision already by 2023? Sincere question, dammit!
We ended Act 1 with Bucky being quite frustrated that no one remembers who he is or has any idea about “The World Game”.
Bucky found himself utterly disgusted with the state of affairs of humanity so long after his passing.

While he was briefly annoyed towards the end of Act 1 (2022), Bucky decided instead to turn on his “positive intelligence” and not descend into the “negative intelligence” of social media.

“It is time to release the memes!”, and with that, Bucky launches his “Design Revolution” on the World Wide Web on January 1st, 2023.
I meme to be a verb
The nature of an idea is to distribute omnidirectionally!

Bucky realized that in his own office and study, he could use the tools of the computer and internet to design a media campaign for his “design revolution”.
He realized that he could use web3 technology in his own way, and apply “whole systems design”, using 9×3 Narrative Logic, and use smart contracts and non-fungible tokens to tell his story.
Call to Action

While Act 1 used 9×3 narrative logic to create a “fake” regenerative AI PFP NFT, Act 2 opens up narrative logic to communicate a theme in real time, as it unfold through community storytelling and equity building.
Act 2 showcases “Master of the Line” Mucci Fassett, with Carey Yost as Art Director and Amber Hardin as Scene Artist, Rome Viharo as Project Designer and Zack Zarate as frazzled co-founder and millennial ambassador to the cool kid NFT communities.
The Medium is the Message
Huckleberry Finn once said “It ain’t braggin’ if ya’ done it!” and that can be confirmed to be true.
“Wow! Can you believe we sold out of Act 1?” said Rome to Zack, “We actually did it!”
“During a crypto winter, where mistrust of NFTs, the blockchain, and even the economy is at an all time low, enthusiasm only builds for our project!” Zack told all of his de-gens, he could not believe him and Rome were finally winning again after four dark years of start-up recovery.

A community of artists, entrepreneurs and designers banded together to cross what was previously an insurmountable hurdle!

They did do it! Three amigos starting with $0 successful raised a $25M equity property with $72k of startup capital.
A proof of concept has now been demonstrated! “Win-Win Community Engineering” is beyond the theoretical and into the demonstrable.

Big Mother DAO raised enough money by selling a dynamic art collection to quick raise a $25M equity property from the ashes of 2020 defeat.

Rome Viharo is no longer depressed on the couch over 2020 loss and what’s her name, and the entire team is back together with a new company, a new studio, a new fund, a new laboratory and new network of relationships.
Additionally, a new “ol’ pal” joins the collective, with Mucci Fassett leading the role of “Master of the Line” for Act 2, which takes an entirely different stylistic turn.
Everyone is looking forward to introducing more of Mucci once he gets off a job.

His friends call him “Mook” but artists call him Maestrò.
Studio Novità: Building Bootstrapping Narratives from scratch
Big Mother DAO was able to accomplish the impossible in Act 1, $0 – $25M, because of a special type of community design we are demonstrating, Studio Novità and Bootstrapping Arts and Engineering, a form of community design around a transactional wholesale and retail marketplace through narrative social structures.
This is employing one of our innovations, A into P, and 9×3 narrative logic as a form of community “win-win” engineering and design “Studio Novità”
We demonstrate how a robust community can create and store wealth in community created art and generate a powerful community fund.
Not only can a community store this wealth in art, but it can grow that wealth to fund community created equity properties.
What’s more, a community can store and build wealth this way in a manner that is stable, trustworthy, impervious to wild crypto price swings, impervious to meddlesome day traders looking for quick flips, impervious to ponzi schemes, Wall Street or Silicon Valley, and impervious to crypto winters.
Responsible. Stable. Explosive.
It ain’t braggin’ if ya done it!
BAE has an explosive property, A into P, which basically moves funds around the community quickly to build the value of a community created asset which takes the form of a formal US Copyright Royalty Stream which is then supported by community created equity.
This allows a community to build, distribute and store wealth hard as ice, soft as water, and move like a stream.
Hard as Ice
What makes BAE “hard as ice” is how we combine equity and the blockchain as the foundation which distributes, measures, hedges and stores community wealth. Complete transparency and determined outcomes provide a complete trusted and reliable network.
Soft as Water
Our community engineered design generates a unique form of governance which we call a “Win-Win Adhocracy”.
This unique design allows any community to quickly discover mutually resolving outcomes with little to no risk of loss and requiring no competition, a truly collaborative fund where everyone winds up funding everyone and everyone getting back community treasure in return.
Moves like a Stream
Unique opportunities open and close quickly in this fast paced, high velocity community design that builds and stores the value of community treasure, built by artists and engineers and distributed by “win-win” marketplace dynamics.
The community marketplace dynamics contain an explosive property, the discover that funding the marketplace with 1x returns 2x in the wallet, independent of the asset value they purchased in the marketplace.
This allows for a quickly escalating waterfall of activity and movement.
What will you do with that 2x?
So far, Big Mother DAO’s first Studio Novità BAE fund has two film projects committed to BAE co-funding along with a major technology startup in web3, with a few more projects emerging in Act 2.
Act 2 closes with the total fund building $5.5M towards community roadmap and community led projects, turning our $25M equity empire into a $100M equity empire. What grows the fund is our art collection, what supports our fund is our community created equity.
All dollars coming into the BAE fund are backed by community created equity.
To participate in Act 2, the Design Revolution, you need to get an Act 2 Ticket or have an Act 1 Scene 3 collectible in your wallet.
Act 2 of our community story plays out on the blockchain, in the hills of Los Angeles, and globally on Zoom calls and on our discord server.
Act 2 raises a total of $5.5M for our community of designers, artists, and engineers which funds both our roadmap and community led projects.
Act 2 Scene 1 “Bucky Fuller, mAd Man” retails for $3, 240 USD, traded in MATIC and comes bundled with the retail rights to sell Act 2 Scene 2 “Bucky Fuller does an Ad buy” for $9720 USD, of which returns $6,480 USD in MATIC directly back in your wallet for building your co-fund.
What will you do with that 2x? Come let us know on discord!